Home/Buildings and Wood Products
  • Con Etnayour horse has never been so safe. Disponibile in differenti versioni (6-seater, 10-seater, 12-seater, 14-seater).
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 60 mm blindsRoof:joists (80 x 140 mm)Walnut painting:antimuffa - antiparassitario
    Esterne / Interne: 300 x 300 / 240 x 240Height at peak:400Swing door:117 x 230Sliding door:117 x 230Aisle door:250 x 250Lane width:300Ventilation window:230 x 49
    Guaina bituminosa: not foreseenPallet dimensions:information not available
    • 6 posti....................€  32.760,00  iva comp.
    • 10 posti..................€  49.035,00  iva comp.
    • 12 posti..................€  62.669,00  iva comp.
    • 14 posti..................€  88.560,00 iva comp.


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La scuderia cavalli  economica e solida  . il modello proposto è di 6 posti Disponibile in differenti versioni (4 posti, 6 posti, 8 posti, 12 posti).
    Wood: abete nordico essiccato Walls: sistema block haus ad incastro spessore 44/68/90/132 mm Tetto: su travi di idonea sezione + perlinato da 20 mm Porte interne:   in legno ad un anta sdoppiabile misura cm 130x230 Finestra:  di areazione: a vasistas
    Interne:  300 x 300  a box Altezza min / max:   263 / 330 Sporgenza tetto:  50 anteriore , posteriore e laterale
    Bituminous sheath: optional Impregnazione: optional Calcolo strutturale e sismico: optional


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • la parete venduta anche singolarmente qualsiasi misura .
    Wood: abete nordico essiccato Walls:  galvanized frame section square 50x50 mm Painting:optional color of your choice, our RAL Surface: available in various sizes and versions (with and without wood) standard wall height: cm 220
    door size:cm 120 Height : from 250 cm to 500 cm Wall length:from 250 cm to 500 cm
    Dimensioni bancale: information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il horse box (2 posti) most requested.
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Pareti: sistema block haus  vari spessori Tetto: in lamellare di abete di idonea sezione Verniciatura : antimuffa - antiparassitarioSurface:9 m2  ( a Box )
    Esterne / Interne: 340 x 340 / 300 x 300Min/max height:260 / 350Swing door:117 x 230 Porticato:  larghezza  cm 300 Finestra di areazione:    optional
    Copertura : optinal da scegliere Dimensioni bancale: information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La casa più richiesta del nostro catalogo. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 68 mm.
    Legno: ABETE NORDICO ESSICCATO Walls: listoni da 68 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 19 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + locale di servizio Superficie: 52 Mq  compresa la veranda esterna coperta Roof surface:65 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 731 x 631 / 600 x 618Min/max height:240 / 350Doors (x 4):85 x 194Windows (x 5):71 x 98 (x 1) - 138 x 98 (x 5) Veranda: 600 x 150Roof projection:175 anteriore - 30 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • la casa dei sogni in pronta consegna !!! con calcoli strutturali e sismici Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 68 mm.
    Wood: abete nordico essiccato Pareti:  listoni da 68 mm Pavimento :  piano terra (optional)    .... Primo piano in legno sp. 28 mm ....Verande sp. 28 mm antiscivolo Ambienti interni:  p.terra:   4 vani + verande  ......   p.primo: una camera da mq 13,20 Surface: 81.20  Mq Scala interna :  inclusa     
    External / Internal: 1014 x 8041 / 994 x 784 Min/max height: 256 / 493 Porta singola vetrata : (nr 1 )  misura cm 198x85 Porte interne full legno : (nr 5) misure cm 198x85 Finestre in legno Premium: nr 11 totali :  nr 1 singola da cm 52x50 + nr 1 singola 50x198 + nr 1 singola 92x70+  nr 2 singole 198x85 + nr 4 doppie 92x130 + nr 2 doppie 198x150 + nr 4 trapezioidali 147x150 Veranda: nr 2 sui lati   nr 1 da mq 3.4  e nr 1 da mq  4.7 Sporgenza tetto: 40 cm
    Bituminous sheath: optional Vetri termici: inclusi nella fornitura spessore 4-16-4 Impregnazione:   optional Pallet dimensions: information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il bungalow ideale per qualsiasi esigenza. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 60 mm.
    Legno: pino Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 22 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:4 vani + piccolo vanoSurface:85 MqRoof surface:110 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 766 x 1148 / 718 x 1116Min/max height:256 / 381 Porte (x 5): 161 x 194 - 85 x 194 (x 4) Finestre (x 6): 138 x 98 Veranda: non disponibileRoof projection:20
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Exa è garanzia di ampi spazi e pareti robuste. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 60 mm.
    Legno: pino Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 22 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:5 vani + piccolo vanoSurface:69 MqRoof surface:90 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 600 x 1150 / 566 x 1116Min/max height:information not available Porte (x 7): 161 x 194 - 85 x 194 (x 6) Finestre (x 10): 71 x 98 (x 2) - 138 x 98 (x 8) Veranda: non disponibileRoof projection:20
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Stile ed eleganza sono le caratteristiche di Aragona. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 60 mm.
    Legno: ABETE NATURALE NORDICO Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 22 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:5 vaniSurface:73 MqRoof surface:100 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 853 x 689 / 819 x 655Min/max height:198 / 325 Porte (x 5): 85 x 194Windows (x 5):71 x 98 (x 1) - 138 x 98 (x 4) Veranda: 367 x 170Roof projection:30
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La versione "grande" del Gazebo Atlantide.
    Legno: pilastri e travi lamellari curveRoof surface:26 sqm Superficie totale: 20 Mq
    Diametro: 537Min/max height:227 / 316 Finestre scorrevoli (x 3): 198 x 227 Superfici pareti vetrate: lexan 2 Superficie vetratata tetto curvo: lexan 3
    Guaina bituminosa: optional Impregnazione: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il bungalow con altezza per soppalco
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Pareti: sistema block haus con tre spessori 44 / 68 / 88 mm Pavimento (optional) tetto: listoni da 20 mm su travi di idonea sez. Internal ambients:6 vaniSurface:77 MqRoof surface:112 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 590 x 1400 / 562 x  1372Min/max height:250 / 357 Porte:  nr 4  da 84 x 218 Finestre : nr 6 da  130 x 90  + nr 1 da 70 x 92  Veranda: 359 x 224
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Con Simeto scoprirai la confortevolezza di vivere in una casa in legno.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: listoni da 60mm Pavimento / tetto: listoni da 26 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:5 vaniSurface:90 MqRoof surface:110 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 600 x 1000 / 565 x 848Min/max height:270 / 587 Porte (x 3): 85 x 187 Finestre (x 9): 70 x 97 (x 6) - 138 x 97 (x 3) Veranda: 566 x 100Roof projection:100 frontale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il bungalow in legno disponibile con vari spessori. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 28 mm.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 28 mm planksFloor / Roof:beads da 28 mm / perline da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vaniSurface:34,80 MqRoof surface:53,30 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 590 x 590 / 564 x 564Min/max height:221 / 357,50 Porte (x 5): 193 x 141 (x 3) - 193 x 83 (x 2)Windows (x 5):113 x 132 (x 4) - 113 x 71 Veranda: optionalRoof projection:20
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Per chi desidera godersi sino in fondo la propria tranquillità.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: doppia parete da 40 mm all'esterno e sp. 19 mm interno coibente lana isover 5 cm (optional)   Intercapedine: 50 mmFloor and roof:listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + bagnoSurface:36 MqRoof surface:52 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 600 x 600 / 550 x 550Min/max height:195 / 270Doors (x 4):85 x 187Windows (x 5):70 x 97 (x 4) - 138 x 97 (x 1) Veranda: non inclusaRoof projection:100 anteriore - 20 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il gazebo circolare realizzato con travi lamellari curve.
    Legno: pilastri e travi lamellari curveRoof surface:18 sqm Superficie totale: 15 Mq
    Diametro: 436Min/max height:227 / 330 Finestre scorrevoli (x 3): 227 x 303 Superfici pareti vetrate: lexan 2 Superficie vetratata tetto curvo: lexan 3
    Guaina bituminosa: optional Impregnazione: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Eleganza e solidità a vostra disposizione. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 60 mm.
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 20  mm / listoni da 20 mm Ambienti interni:nr 1 spazio cucina leaving , nr 2 stanze ed un bagno (possibilità di personalizzazione) Superficie: 55 Mq Superficie tetto: 64 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 550 x 850 / 538 x 718 Altezza min / max: 270 / 320 Porte (x 1):  a doppia anta 130 x 194Windows (x 5):71 x 170 (x 1) - 138 x 98 Veranda: misura  cm 150 x 550 Sporgenza tetto:  60 anteriore  posteriore e  laterale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La struttura ideale per le vostre vacanze. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 44 mm.
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Pareti: sistema block haus  listoni da 44 / 68 / 90  mm Pavimento:  Optional Tetto:  su travi di idonea sez. e listoni da 20 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + 3 vani piccoliSurface:35 Mq + veranda (12 Mq)Roof surface:62 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 640 x 600 / 613 x 572 (sp. 44 mm ) Min/max height:243 / 310 Porte : nr 4 da 84 x 198  + nr 1 doppia anta  da 160x198 Finestre : nr 4 da 130x92  + nr 2 da 70x92 Veranda: 640 x 190
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation:optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La casa più richiesta del nostro catalogo. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 40 mm.
    Legno:   abete nordico essiccato Walls: 40 mm planksFloor / Roof:listoni da 22 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + locale di servizioSurface:39 Mq + veranda (9 Mq)Roof surface:65 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 731 x 631 / 600 x 618Min/max height:240 / 350Doors (x 4):85 x 194Windows (x 5):71 x 98 (x 1) - 138 x 98 (x 5) Veranda: 600 x 150Roof projection:175 anteriore - 30 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Con Ustica lo spazio non è un problema.
    Legno: Nordic fir Pareti:  sistema Block Haus spessore  40 mm Pavimento: (optional)  rialzato su listelli sez. 60x40mm impregnati in autoclave + perlinato maschiato sp. 19 mm  Tetto: a doppia falda su travi in massello di idonea sez. + rivestimento con perlinato maschiato sp. 19 mm Ambienti interni: 5 vaniSurface:52 MqRoof surface:88 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 1100 x 600 / 1050 x 575Min/max height:210 / 285 Porte (x 5): 85 x 187 Finestre (x 7): 70 x 97 (x 3) - 138 x 97 (x 4) Veranda: non inclusaRoof projection:30
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Per chi desidera un horse box con una minore sporgenza.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksRoof:40 mm planksChassis:galvanized (40 x 40 mm)Ventilation window:1/2Surface:9,30 MqRoof surface:16,50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 310 x 300 / 275 x 265Min/max height:270 / 320 Porta sdoppiabile: 130 x 85Roof projection:150 anteriore - 100 posteriore
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available
    • 1 posto 9 Mq...........................€    5.176,00  iva comp.
    • 2 posti 18 Mq..........................€    8.055,00 iva comp.
    • 3 posti 27 Mq..........................€  12.205,00 iva comp.
    • 4 posti 36 Mq..........................€  16.120,00 iva comp.


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Proteggi il tuo cavallo.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksRoof:40 mm planksChassis:galvanized (40 x 40 mm)Ventilation window:1/2Surface:9,30 MqRoof surface:21,50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 310 x 300 / 275 x 265Min/max height:270 / 320 Porta sdoppiabile: 130 x 85Roof projection:320 anteriore - 100 posteriore
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Eleganza e solidità a vostra disposizione. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 60 mm.
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor / Roof:listoni da 22 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + mansardaSurface:33 MqRoof surface:40 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 550 x 430 / 538 x 418Min/max height:225 / 375 Porte (x 2): 85 x 194 Finestre (x 4): 71 x 98 (x 3) - 138 x 98 Veranda: non inclusaRoof projection:56 anteriore e posteriore - 30 laterale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Per chi necessita di ampi spazi a costi contenuti.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor and roof:beads19 mmInternal ambients:6 vaniSurface:70 Mq inclusa veranda (8,50 Mq)Roof surface:88,50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 1000 x 700 / 959 x 659Min/max height:220 / 310 Porte (x 5): 85 x 200 Finestre (x 7): 70 x 100 (x 5) - 140 x 100 (x 2) Veranda: 480 x 177,50Roof projection:20
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Spazio e luminosità a vostra disposizione.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: listoni da 60 mm Pavimento / tetto: listoni da 26 mm / listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:4 vaniSurface:42 MqRoof surface:61 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 700 x 600 / 685 x 585Min/max height:220 / 316Doors (x 4):85 x 187Windows (x 5):70 x 97 (x 2) - 138 x 97 (x 3) Veranda: non inclusaRoof projection:65 anteriore -30 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Con Nebrodi l'eleganza non è un optional. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono al modello con parete da 44 mm.
    Wood: abete nordico essiccato Walls: sistema block haus da 44 / 68 / 90  mm Flooring :Rialzato su listelli impregnati in autoclave e spessore 28 mm ( optional ) Ambienti interni: come da progetto (possibilità 100% personalizzazione) Surface: 36 Mq + portico ( 11.89 Mq) Roof surface:non disponibile
    External / Internal: 651 x 607 / 623 x 579 (misure spessore 44 mm ) con portico con pavimento da 2 metri Min/max height:  243 / 310 Porte : nr 1 porta entrata a vetri da 104x198 + nr 3 porte interne da 85x172 Finestre: nr 4 finestre (vetro camera 16.4.16) da 70x92 + nr 2 da 130x92 Portico: da 2 metri con pavimento spesssore  20 mm
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optional Dimensioni bancali: 620 x 120 x 130 cm - 380 x 120 x 80 cm Peso bancali: 4.100 Kg


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • L'innovativo Chiosco Professional dalle grandi dimensioni
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Pareti:   a moduli con perlinato  da 28 mmFloor and roof:19 mm panelsSurface:34 Mq.Roof surface:42 Mq.
    Esterne / Interne: 950 x 360 / 932 x 343Min/max height:234 / 361 + 120 balaustraDoor in solid wood:75 x 199 Ribaltine (x 11): 39Roof projection:30 Scala esterna: 90 Altezza ringhiera: 120
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: inclusa nella fornituraPallet dimensions:info non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Uno dei prodotti più richiesti del nostro catalogo.
    prezzo modello sp. 40 mm Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksFloor and roof:listoni from 19mmInternal ambients:3 vani + vano piccoloSurface:42 Mq + veranda (10 Mq)Roof surface:64 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 520 x 800 / 485 x 765Min/max height:220 / 270Doors (x 4):138 x 188 - 68 x 188 (x 3)Windows (x 3):98 x 138 Veranda: 520 x 192Roof projection:200 frontale - 2o perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:optionalImpregnation: optional Dimensioni bancali: 580 x 120 x 85 cm - 580 x 120 x 41 cm - 340 x 120 x 100 cm Peso bancali: 5.000 kg.


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Un raffinato modello con 3 vani e un piccolo soppalco.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksFloor and roof:listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vani + mansardaSurface:27 MqRoof surface:45 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 450 x 600 / 420 x 569Min/max height:202 / 378Double door:130 x 187 Porte interne (x 3): 85 x 187 Finestre (x 7): 70 x 97 Veranda: non inclusaRoof projection:80 anteriore - 20 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il wooden bungalow più economico.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksFloor and roof:beads19 mmInternal ambients:3 rooms + kitchenetteSurface:31.20m2 + veranda (6 m2)Roof surface:42,25 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 600 x 520 / 566.20 x 490.40Min/max height:210 / 290Doors (x 4):85 x 195Windows (x 5):100 x 30 (x 3) - 140 x 100 - 140 x 140 Veranda: 400 x 150Roof projection:20 anteriore e posteriore - 40 laterale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the deliveryImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:informazione non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il Chiosco Professional dalle grandi dimensioni.
    Legno: dried fir Walls: pannelli da 28 mmFloor and roof:19 mm panelsSurface:34 Mq.Roof surface:60 Mq.
    Esterne / Interne: 954 x 360 / 940 x 346Min/max height:234 / 361Door in solid wood:75 x 199 Ribaltine (x 11): 39Roof projection:30
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:info non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Con Taormina l'eleganza non è più un optional!
    Legno: pilastri lamellari con pannelli grigliati Sistema costruttivo: trave e capriate + perlina da 19 mmRoof surface:78,00 Mq Superficie totale: 48,50 Mq
    Dimensioni: 490 x 990Min/max height:260 / 366 Pilastri lamellari: 9 x 9Roof projection:60
    Guaina bituminosa: optional Impregnazione: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La carpot da due posti auto. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono alla versione 2 posto auto.
    Legno: travi lamellari Pilastri: 160 mmFloor and roof:non incluso / pannelli da 26 mmSurface:34,45 MqRoof surface:45,20 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 585 x 589 / 515 x 529Min/max height:185 / 324 Portone in legno: non disponibile Porta laterale: non disponibileWindow:non disponibileRoof projection:20
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La carpot adatta per qualsiasi esigenza. Le caratteristiche qui sottostanti si riferiscono alla versione 1 posto auto.
    Legno: travi lamellari Pilastri: 135 mmFloor and roof:non incluso / pannelli da 19 mmSurface:22,60 MqRoof surface:29,70 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 374 x 604 / 300 x 594Min/max height:205 / 285 Portone in legno: non disponibile Porta laterale: non disponibileWindow:non disponibileRoof projection:5 anteriore e posteriore - 24 laterale
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il box auto da due posti.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksFloor and roof:non incluso / pannelli da 19 mmSurface:36 MqRoof surface:50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 600 x 600 / 580 x 580Min/max height:200 / 280 Portone in legno (x 2): 244 x 196 Porta laterale: 90 x 183Windows (x 2):138 x 96Roof projection:30
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optional Dimensioni bancali: 655 x 120 x 67 cm Peso 1.700 kg - 190 x 120 x 37 cm Peso 300 kg


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • La struttura ideale per il vostro ufficio
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: listoni da 60 mmFloor and roof:listoni da 19 mmInternal ambients:3 vaniSurface:20 Mq. + veranda (9 mq.)Roof surface:38 Mq.
    Esterne / Interne: 500 x 402 / 475 x 375Min/max height:195 / 255 Porte (x 2): 85 x 187Windows (x 3):70 x 97 (x 2) - 138 x 97 (x 1) Veranda: 500 x 186Roof projection:206 anteriore - 20 perimetrale
    Guaina bituminosa: optional Vetri termici:  optional Impregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:info non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Un modello dalle medie-grandi dimensioni con pareti molto robuste.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: listoni da 44 mm sistema block haus Floor and roof:19 mm panelsInternal ambients:open spaceSurface:25 Mq. + veranda (7.5 mq.) Superficie tetto: 33 Mq.
    Esterne / Interne: 500 x 500 / 474 x 474Min/max height:189 / 276Double door:160 x 187Windows (x 2):- 138 x 97 con vetro camera e apertura a vasistas Veranda: 500 x 150 (optional )Roof projection:100 anteriore - 20 perimetrale - 30 posteriore
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalThermal glass:included in the supplyImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:info non disponibile


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.


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