Home/Horse Box/Horse box in wood
  • Il horse box (single or coupled with multiple modules)most requested.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: Tapped matchboard of various thicknesses of 28/40/60/90/120 mmRoof:joists (80 x 140 mm)Walnut painting:antimuffa - antiparassitarioSurface:9 m2
    Esterne / Interne: 300 x 300 / 240 x 240Min/max height:260 / 350Swing door:117 x 230 Porticato: optional Finestra di areazione: optional
    Guaina bituminosa: optional Pallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Proteggi il tuo cavallo.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksRoof:40 mm planksChassis:galvanized (40 x 40 mm)Ventilation window:1/2Surface:9,30 MqRoof surface:21,50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 310 x 300 / 275 x 265Min/max height:270 / 320 Porta sdoppiabile: 130 x 85Roof projection:320 anteriore - 100 posteriore
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Per chi desidera un horse box con una minore sporgenza.
    Legno: Nordic fir Walls: 40 mm planksRoof:40 mm planksChassis:galvanized (40 x 40 mm)Ventilation window:1/2Surface:9,30 MqRoof surface:16,50 Mq
    Esterne / Interne: 310 x 300 / 275 x 265Min/max height:270 / 320 Porta sdoppiabile: 130 x 85Roof projection:150 anteriore - 100 posteriore
    Guaina bituminosa: optionalImpregnation: optionalPallet dimensions:information not available
    • 1 posto 9 Mq...........................€    5.176,00  iva comp.
    • 2 posti 18 Mq..........................€    8.055,00 iva comp.
    • 3 posti 27 Mq..........................€  12.205,00 iva comp.
    • 4 posti 36 Mq..........................€  16.120,00 iva comp.


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.
  • Il horse box (2 posti) most requested.
    Legno: abete nordico essiccato Pareti: sistema block haus  vari spessori Tetto: in lamellare di abete di idonea sezione Verniciatura : antimuffa - antiparassitarioSurface:9 m2  ( a Box )
    Esterne / Interne: 340 x 340 / 300 x 300Min/max height:260 / 350Swing door:117 x 230 Porticato:  larghezza  cm 300 Finestra di areazione:    optional
    Copertura : optinal da scegliere Dimensioni bancale: information not available


    The indicated price does not include shipping costs. Given the nature of the goods, it is not possible for us to calculate the transport rate in advance. Contact us to request a precise quote and evaluate the best compromise between time and costs.


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